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Archive for the ‘news’ Category

Congratulations, Dr. Ryan Garrick!!

Posted on: September 21st, 2017 by kdbyrd

Dr. Garrick is 1 of 2 University of Mississippi faculty and 1 of 30 nationwide who was awarded a faculty research fellowship by the National Science Foundation. For the article in the UM News click here.  For the article on the NSF website click here.

Congrats to Lauren Fuller!!

Posted on: June 2nd, 2017 by kdbyrd

Congrats to Biology graduate student, Lauren Fuller, for receiving a Lerner-Gray Memorial Fund grant. This is a grant for marine research given out by the American Museum of Natural History. Lauren is receiving this to help fund her research that focuses on increasing the survival of bycaptured sharks by alleviating stress.

Congrats to Chaz Hyseni!!

Posted on: March 7th, 2017 by kdbyrd

Congratulations to graduate student, Chaz Hyseni, for winning 1st place in the Graduate Student Council’s 7th Annual Research Symposium. Chaz won the podium session for the Physical and Life Sciences category.

Pictured here are some of our amazing graduate students along with our winner. From left to right: Jason Bohenek, John Banusiewicz, Amber Horning, Matt Pintar, Renan Bosque, CHaz Hyseni, Tyler Breech, and Isis Arantes.




Congrats to Mary Harvey and John Aaron Howell!!

Posted on: March 1st, 2017 by kdbyrd

Congratulations to undergraduate neuroscience minor, Mary Harvey, for winning 1st place for her poster presentation at the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Division.

Mary’s poster title: “Correlation of brain size and acrobatic display complexity in Manakins”





Congratulations to Mary Harvey and John Arron Howell who were selected for presentation of their posters to the Millsaps-HHMI Undergraduate Symposium.  This symposium is for only the top 20% of abstracts submitted to MAS. Also pictured are Katelyn Duda, Blake McClure and Dr. Lainy Day, neuroscience minor director.

John Arron’s poster title: “Egg Laying Male Has Androgynous Song System and Plumage Coloration”




Congratulations to JP Lawrence!!

Posted on: February 24th, 2017 by kdbyrd

Congratulations to JP Lawrence for winning a 2017 University of Mississippi Graduate Achievement Award! Way to go JP!!






Congratulations to Dr. Erik Hom!

Posted on: December 20th, 2016 by kdbyrd


Dr. Hom received a grant from UM and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to fund the development and integration of Open Educational Resources (OER) in the department’s BISC 336 (Genetics) course.  As part of the Z-Degree initiative, a three-year plan to expand adoption of OER in MS, Dr. Hom will create a curriculum based on openly-licensed teaching materials as a means to reduce student textbook costs and improve genetics instruction in our contemporary digital context. BISC 336 (Genetics) is a foundational course required by all majors in Biology as well as those pursuing a career in the health sciences; it is one of the first UM science courses to be funded by this initiative.

Congratulations to Jessica Heppard for winning 3MT

Posted on: November 10th, 2016 by kdbyrd
Photo by Robert Jordan/Ole Miss Communications

Photo by Robert Jordan/Ole Miss Communications

Biology masters student, Jessica Heppard, was the overall winner of The University of Mississippi 3 Minute Thesis Competitionwith her presentation titled “Impact of habitat modification and human disturbance on the basking behavior of the endangered Ringed Map Turtle (Graptemys oculifera)

. Her research examines how human activities affect the behavior of an endangered turtle, the Ringed Map Turtle, also known as the Ringed Sawback. Jessica hypothosizes that by impeding optimal basking behavior, humans are contributing to the endangerment of the species. By studying populations in the Pearl River outside Jackson, MS, she hopes to aid in the formation of management strategies for the conservation of the species.

Jessica will be representing Ole Miss at the Conference for Southern Graduate Schools in Annapolis, MD in March.

Congratulations to members of Dr. Day’s lab

Posted on: October 26th, 2016 by kdbyrd

Mary Harvey and Kaitlyn Duda, two members of Dr. Lainy Day’s lab, tied in the $1000 Research Award competition for the Neuroscience minor. Mary’s project is titled “The Correlated Evolution of Cerebellar Size and Display Complexity in Pipridae” and Kaitlyn ‘s project is titled “Immunocytochemistry in Manakins”.

Congratulations to Dr. Mika Jekabsons

Posted on: October 3rd, 2016 by kdbyrd

Researchers, Dr. Mika Jekabsons (Biology) and Yu-Dong Zhou (Chemistry and Biochemistry) received a major award from the National Institutes of Health to continue their studies for three years to find new drugs to stop the spread of breast cancer to other organs. To read the full article click here.

Dr. Glenn Parsons and honors student Emily Hildebrandt recently published a paper in the scientific journal Copeia

Posted on: September 27th, 2016 by kdbyrd

Dr. Glenn Parsons and honors student Emily Hildebrandt recently published a paper in the scientific journal Copeia entitled “Effect of Turbidity and the Swimming Performance of Golden Shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucas”. Click here to read the paper.