Molecular Core
The Department of Biology Molecular Core is a shared-use facility that provides access to advanced instrumentation for the analysis of proteins and nucleic acids. Proper training is required before using any of the core instruments. Please contact the Biology Office to schedule training on any of the instruments.
A Robot workstation for automated set up of PCR, pathogen detection, and cloning reactions. The liquid handling robot is equipped with a single channel pipetting head, and can handle a large number of tube and plate configurations with extremely high precision.
Biotek Synergy LX Multi-Mode Plate Reader
This plate reader is capable of measuring UV and visible absorbance, luminescence and fluorescence intensity in a number of plate formats. The monochomator is tunable in 1 nm increments within a range from 200-999 nm. The instrument comes equipped with the Take3 plate system for low volume (2 microliters) absorption measurements, useful for quantifying RNA, DNA or Proteins. We further have red and green filter cubes for fluorescence intensity measurements. This plate reader is supported by a desktop computer running the Gen5 software.
Azure C600 Advanced Imaging System
This gel documentation and Western blot system can image in the infrared fluorescence, visible fluorescence, and UV fluorescence, for DNA gels, visible fluorescent, and NIR fluorescent western blots. The imager can also capture chemiluminescence and visible dyes. The applications could even extend to colonies or seedlings on a plate. The system comes equipped with image analysis software to quantify the intensity of different bands or samples in the image.
OT-2 Liquid Handling Robot
This programmable 2-armed liquid handling robot comes equipped 1 channel and an 8 channel pipette arms, with both a P50 and a P300 Multichannel pipettes. It has 11 deck slots and can fill a 96 well plate in 20 seconds. It can perform many standard tasks, reproducibly, and with minimal error. This instrument can save investigators time and money.