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Seminar Series



Spring 2014

Lights, camera, action!

Biology Seminar goes to the movies!

Unless otherwise noted below, seminars are held on Fridays at 2 p.m. in Room 303 Shoemaker Hall

Jan. 24 Hoda Gebril, Ph.D. student seminar

“Malaria: A parasite wins the fight”

Jan. 31 Dr. Heather Tyler, postdoctoral research associate, University of Mississippi, Department of Biology

“I’m a microbiologist, not a…: Plant-associated bacteria and beyond”

Feb. 7 Dr. Tammy Goulet, University of Mississippi, Department of Biology

“Transformers: New age of biology education”

Feb. 14 Dr. Joan Strassmann, Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Biology

“Life is a banquet and most people are starving to death: Guns and butter in microbial social interactions”

Feb. 21 open
Feb. 28 Dr. Christy Brigham, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

“Weeds attack! Aaack! Aaack! Invasion biology and restoration ecology in the United States’ largest urban national park”

Mar. 7 open
Mar. 21 Dr. Jason Taylor, USDA National Sedimentation Laboratory


Mar. 28 Dr. Tammy Goulet, University of Mississippi, Department of Biology

“Coral robocops: Surviving tenuous times”

Apr. 4 Dr. Zakee Sabree, The Ohio State University, Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology

“Do you know who I used to be?: Genomic, physiological, and ecological consequences of symbioses”

Apr. 11 Dr. Jennifer Edmonds, University of Alabama, Department of Biological Sciences


Mon. Apr. 14 Kyle Rice, M.S. Thesis Defense


Wed. Apr. 16 Gabriell Davis, M.S. Thesis Defense


Wed. Apr. 23 Emily Stauss, M.S. Thesis Defense


Apr. 25 Dr. Sarah Liljegren, University of Mississippi, Department of Biology

“Shifting organ boundaries: BP breaks bad”

Mon. Apr. 28 Michael Keating, M.S. Thesis Defense


May 2 open (last day of classes)
Please contact  Colin Jackson (cjackson @ in the Department of Biology to schedule an appointment with a speaker. Page last updated 2/25/14.

Seminar Archives