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Estelle Blair

#2024UMMCGrad: Estelle Blair balances medical school and motherhood – single, but not alone

Department of Biology BA August 2018 graduate Published on Monday, May 6, 2024 By: Gary Pettus, Photos By: Jay Ferchaud/ UMMC Communications It’s easy to take your breath for granted, until your
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Headshots of Biology Department faculty and staff, top to bottom, left to right: Dr. Sharday Ewell, Dr. Lydia Lytal, Dr. Timothy Menzel, Dr. Mariel Pfeifer, Dr. Becks Prescott, Catherine Hultman, Dr. Brian Doctor, Dr. Cliff Ochs, Dr. Glenn Parsons

New Faces & Retirements

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Dr. Jackson at the haunted lab 2022

Biology Halloween Open House

Scary fun for students and faculty at UM on Halloween Patrick Allison, a PhD student of Ryan Garrick, associate professor of biology, at the University of Mississippi Department of Biology Halloween Open House. OCTOBER 26, 2023 BY EMILY SUH On Halloween, the University of Mississippi
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Woman on a boat holding pole near buoy.

What Can Fish Sounds Tell Us About Artificial Reefs?

Doctoral student uses noninvasive method to determine species found on reefs September 13, 2023 by Erin Garrett Grunts, purrs, barks and knocks – it may be surprising to learn that these noises can come from fish. Known as fish vocalizations, these sounds are the subject of a new study at
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Dr. Sixue Chen

Scientist Works to Develop Pest-Resistant Soybean

Biology chair investigates wild soybeans for resistant properties September 6, 2023 by Erin Garrett FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmailCopy LinkSMSPrintFriendly Share UM biologist Sixue Chen is collaborating with researchers nationwide to combat a microscopic roundworm that causes up to 50% of a
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