Neurobiology, Behavior, and Physiology Research
Researchers in the area of neurobiology, behavior, and physiology tend to look at organismal processes, whether it is how an organism behaves or how an organism’s physiology changes under different conditions. Research spans the range of biology, from the molecular and cellular basis of behavior to interactions between organisms in an ecological context.
Dr. Richard Buchholz
animal behavior, host-parasite coevolution, conservation biology
Dr. Lainy Day
behavioral neuroscience, neuroplasticity, evolution of cognition and motor-learning
Dr. Tammy Goulet
symbiosis and host-symbiont genotypic combinations, marine ecology, coral reefs, coral-algal physiology
Dr. Mika Jekabsons
mechanisms of apoptosis, cell physiology and mitochondrial physiology
Dr. Brad Jones
cell differentiation, nervous system development, Drosophila genetics
Dr. Christopher Leary
endocrine and neural systems underlying animal communication and behavior
Dr. Michel Ohmer
amphibian ecophysiology, disease ecology, host-pathogen interactions, thermal biology, amphibian ecology and conservation