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New STEM Building for Science and Engineering Classes in Planning Stages

The University of Mississippi is planning a new building on campus to house laboratory and classroom space for Biology and other science and engineering departments. Read more about this facility:
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Biology Professor, Dr. Cliff Ochs, featured in Princeton Environmental Institute Newsletter

Colvin Recipient Studies Nutrient Uptake in the Flood Plains of the Mississippi River
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PHD student awarded NSF fellowship for summer work in Australia

J.P. Lawrence (Noonan Lab) is the recipient of a National Science Foundation East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes Fellowship for summer 2015. J.P. will spend the summer working on the Australian Brood Frogs (Pseudophryne) to better understand the purpose of the variety of color signals
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Congratulations to Ph.D. student Matt Abbott!

Congratulations to Matt Abbott (Ph.D. Student with Dr. Brewer) on his new publication in PLoS One – “Purple Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia rosea) Dieback and Partial Community Disassembly following Experimental Storm Surge in a Coastal Pitcher Plant Bog”
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Congratulations to Biology major Megan Smith!

Congratulations to Biology major Megan Smith! This Noonan lab member (and Taylor Medal winner) has just been awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. With this fellowship, Megan will pursue her PhD at Ohio State University where she will work with Dr. Bryan
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