Symbioses and Species Interactions Research
Departmental research in the area of symbioses and species interactions focuses on how organisms belonging to different species interact. These interactions can be tight symbioses such as mutualism or parasitism, or looser interactions in the broader sense of community ecology.
Dr. Stephen Brewer
fire ecology, plant ecology, invasive species
Dr. Richard Buchholz
animal behavior, host-parasite coevolution
Dr. Sixue Chen
plant disease triangle – “tug of war” between plant cells and bacterial pathogens under climate change
Dr. Denis Goulet
coral reef fish ecology, coral-symbiont interactions
Dr. Tammy Goulet
symbiosis and host-symbiont genotypic combinations, marine ecology, coral reefs, coral-algal physiology
Dr. Jason Hoeksema
ecological and evolutionary consequences of species interactions, focusing especially on plants and mycorrhizal fungi
Dr. Erik Hom
synthetic ecology, fungal-algal interactions, evolution of symbiosis and microbial consortia, waste valorization
Dr. Colin Jackson
microbial ecology and diversity, microbiome studies
Dr. Christopher Leary
endocrine and neural systems underlying animal communication and behavior
Dr. Michel Ohmer
amphibian ecophysiology, disease ecology, host-pathogen interactions, thermal biology, amphibian ecology and conservation
Dr. Peter Zee
evolution of species interactions; experimental evolution with microbes; eco-evolutionary modelling